Guide To Kitchen Extensions | More Kitchens
Published: 29 July 2020
This guide to kitchen extensions will provide some clarity on what a kitchen extension entails, and will answer some common questions around their planning and design, as well as giving you an idea of costs and timelines.

What Is A Kitchen Extension?
Firstly we think it’s important to clarify exactly what a kitchen extension is. In short it’s an exciting building project that will create space, add value to your home and provide a larger, more functional, area to socialise and spend time as a family.

Understand What You Want From Your Kitchen Extension.
The first stage in a kitchen extension is the planning process and understanding just what it is you’d like from your extension. Consider what type of kitchen you would like in your new space - creating a more open plan space is a popular reason for embarking on a kitchen extension. What kind of features would you like in a kitchen extension - for example a breakfast bar, increased storage or more space for entertaining?
Thinking of what you would like is essentially the easy part: what makes a kitchen extension difficult to plan and design is the process in which you involve and project manage all of the contributing contractors, each of whom will have a hand in helping you to plan, design and deliver your dream kitchen extension
Typically speaking there are at least three core roles that must be taken into consideration, all of which will help and facilitate one another’s contribution. These include:
> A Builder
> An Architect
> A Kitchen Designer
Although you need input from all three parties, many companies work differently and this heavily relies on the type of contractor you engage with.
Take ourselves for example, More Kitchens, a full service kitchen design and installation provider. As part of a wider home improvements company, Passmore Group, we as a business can project manage each aspect of your kitchen extension. Under one roof we have a specialist build division, More Build, and separate kitchen division, More Kitchens, but also work in conjunction with a pool of local architects.
In short, if you are to choose a contractor like ourselves we can take care of absolutely everything for you, offering complete peace of mind and a smooth and efficient service.
Alternatively, another route you may wish to explore is to contact each specialist contractor separately and manage the project yourself. Although there is nothing wrong with exploring this avenue we can only offer advice on the process as we know it so any information as detailed below is based on the experience you would have coming to a company like ours.

How To Plan A Kitchen Extension.
One of the most important, and most daunting, aspects to a kitchen extension lies within the initial planning stage as it can be difficult to determine how and where to start.
There are various different kinds of extensions available, including:
> Single Storey or Double/Multi Storey
> Side Return Extensions - an extension using the narrow strip of space often found alongside Victorian properties. An extension here can be a great use of otherwise wasted space.
> Wrap Around Extensions - a rear extension combined with a side return.
Each different style will have a big impact on how the interior will look, the timeframe and budget. So, you’ll need to work with experts to understand the different options and what’s involved. Understanding this complexity, we would arrange a free appointment with one of our building surveyors whereby we would visit you at home to discuss the project in more detail.
Surveying the existing space, we would be able to offer expert help and advice with regards to what is likely to be achievable in terms of size, how much this would cost and whether you would be able to get the works done under a permitted development or whether planning permission would be required.
Based on the initial discussions, agreements in terms of kitchen extension possibilities and subsequent budget costs for the work, the purpose of the visit is then to confirm whether you want to proceed to the next stage which would involve engaging with one of our trusted architects.
It is important to note that whether possible on a permitted development* or through planning permission, architects drawings are always required as Building Control, in either instance, would always govern and inspect the build and require approved drawings as a result.
Will A Kitchen Extension Require Planning Permission?
A permitted development is where it is possible to build a single storey extension to the rear of your property without the requirement of planning permission, providing the extension depth protrudes no more than 3m x 5m.
A permitted development requires architect’s drawings to be submitted to your local council, along with a £30 application fee, before they are checked and approved or rejected. It is important to note that all councils work differently and some maybe more lenient than others when it comes to extension size. Similarly the required fee can also fluctuate, both of which is typically dependent on location.
If you do require planning permission, you’ll need to apply to your local council and may require further documentation.

How To Work With An Architect.
Once you’re happy and have an initial plan or concept in mind for your kitchen extension the next stage is to engage with an architect and get some plans drawn up which will support your permitted development or planning permission application. As well as getting the necessary plans drawn up for you, working with an architect can sometimes lead to inspiration in terms of new design ideas you may not have thought of already.
Although you can source your own architect, we do have a pool of trusted contacts and will happily arrange and facilitate an appointment for you. In either instance the architect will need to visit your property to measure and discuss the works before they are able to create your drawings.
The drawings they create will be based on the elements that were discussed and agreed at the planning stage. Depending on your chosen contractor there is a fee for their service which on average will range from £500-£800 depending on size and structure.
How To Design A Kitchen Extension.
The minute your drawings are approved we’ll be in touch to arrange an appointment with one of our kitchen designers who will guide you through a step by step process with regards to how to design a kitchen extension from plans.
More Kitchens Senior Designer, Julie, explains why the timing of this appointment is key:
“The earlier the kitchen is designed the better as it’ll reduce the chance of alterations being required, which can occur if building start before the design is complete. It also means while the extension build is in progress all the background work with regards to ordering your kitchen can be ongoing behind the scenes so you won’t experience any delay with regards to project completion.”
Working from the plans they’ll be able to bring the internal space to life, offering expert knowledge and advice with regards to kitchen designs and style choices, appliances, layouts and the array of kitchen finishing touches that are available to you.
Once you’re happy with everything we’ll be able to put a detailed quote together for you, which will be presented alongside the quote for the building work.
In all your quote will cover every aspect of the kitchen extension project, inclusive of:
> The Extension Build including Roof
> First Fix, Drainage and Creation of Services – Heat, Gas, Water, Electric and Light
> The Supply and Installation of the Kitchen including Appliances
> All Products and Labour Costs
As with the planning stage, other contractors may work differently to this, especially if you’re engaging with separate tradespeople for each element. Although this isn’t an issue with a company like ours, if you do decide to explore this avenue we would urge you to carefully consider each quote and what each contractor is offering and pricing for.
We’ve spent years perfecting our process and service. We’ve clearly defined the split from where the build division hand over the project to the kitchen division and both quotes are created separately to reflect this. Although this is presented as one cost to the customer there is the option to then proceed with only certain elements of the Kitchen Extension project if required.
For example the quote can be broken down allowing us to either:
1. Deliver the entire Kitchen Extension project as one
2. Deliver the Extension Build only
3. Deliver the Kitchen as design and fit only
The way in which we plan and design your kitchen extension project allows us to adapt our service and offering to suit you.

How Much Does A Kitchen Extension Cost?
Naturally this is dependent on a whole host of influencing factors. However if you’re looking for a ball park budget figure, for an average kitchen extension cost from ourselves we’ve offered a breakdown below which refers back to the processes and services we’ve mapped out above.
Budget Kitchen Extension Costs.
In this scenario we’re going to presume that your kitchen extension has been granted under the permitted development scheme, meaning your extension will be a maximum of 3m x 5m in size, giving it a total footprint of 15sqmt.
Bearing in mind we offer a fully project managed experience and will take care of absolutely everything from concept to completion, our budget costs are as follows:
> Drawings and Permitted Development Application - £650
> Single-Storey 15sqmt Extension - £22,000
> First Fix Preparation Work including Service Supplies and Drainage - £1,800
> Kitchen Design and Installation - £10,500
Total Budget Kitchen Extension Costs - £35,000
All the above quoted figures are open to interpretation and the agreed kitchen design and finishing touches. What can influence or increase these are things like:
1. Increasing the size of your extension
2. Having to submit for planning permission
3. An increased excavation depth
4. Further electrical, lighting and heating instruments in addition to what has been budgeted for
5. The quality of chosen fixtures, fittings and finishing touches such as kitchen worktops
How Long Will A Kitchen Extension Take?
Depending on the size of your Kitchen Extension will inevitably determine how long it will take to complete. Working down the lines of the extension being granted under permitted development, so therefore so more than 3 x 5, we estimate, that on average, the entire project will take approximately 12 weeks to complete.
Having reached the end of this article we hope you’ve found the content useful and informative. At More Kitchens, part of the Passmore Group, and home to More Build, More Bathrooms, More Ability and More Bedrooms, we’re more than happy to help you with any aspect of your kitchen design.
Whether a full kitchen extension, a design and fit kitchen refurbishment or a design and supply only order working from plans, we’ll work with you to ensure you get the functional space you require. To discuss your project in more detail you can call a friendly member of our team or book a free design appointment online.
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